Wooden Eggs

Jun 10, 2016

You know how life just… happens? Well this past Easter I had the fun idea of the kids decorating eggs to deliver to our neighbors by rolling them in paint (inspired by The Chocolate Muffin Tree).  It was going to be a wonderful epic mess of fun!  Aaaaand Easter crept closer and closer and my wooden eggs sat snuggly in their drawer.

Enter May, Easter has passed by and we’ve moved on to other adventures.  The kids had some friends over and they discovered the bag of wooden eggs.  Everyone was excited with these blank “canvases” and begged me to let them play with them.  To keep it simple I whipped out the bag of Sharpies, plopped everything on the table and walked away.   My expectations?  10 minutes until they were on to something else.  Reality?  30 minutes later they are still at it.   Another 15 minutes and the eggs are now hidden for hunting… then they are imaginary creatures going on an adventure… then they are lined up into neat rows on the table… then they are carried around in baskets and pockets.   It has been a month since we made these and I keep finding random eggs in unexpected places.   Not as messy, left on the floor type of annoyances… but as a charming reminder of childhood and how something so simple brought (and is still bringing!) so much joy.

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